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The importance of representation in clinical trials

Most drugs and devices have to go through clinical trials before they hit the market. By volunteering to participate in these trials, patients can help pharmaceutical or medical device companies answer specific health questions about a new product development, whether it’s a drug or a medical device like a pacemaker.

But it’s an unfortunate fact that most minority groups, whether lifestyle or ethnic groups, are underrepresented in clinical trials. Making trials more inclusive is not just important because we want greater representation – we need to make sure the groups being studied are the groups that are most affected.

In our latest clinical diversity webinar, Race in STEM community director Steven Fuller was joined by Tiffany Ashton, Barry Holmes Jr., Téa Romero and Michael W. Young to discuss clinical diversity, specifically representation.

Watch the webinar to find out more about the importance of representation in clinical trials and how we can understand and overcome the barriers to ensure more diverse participation.